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Making Disciples Today: Blog

In Jesus: The Story You Thought You Knew, Deacon Keith Strohm invites you not just to read about Jesus, but to have a transformative encounter with him. This isn't a book of theology, or an abstract story with little impact on your real life. It is the story that can and will transform you if you re open to it. In these pages, you will discover who you truly are and what you were created for. You will meet Jesus, not simply as an historical figure, but as our living and present Savior and friend. Reflection and discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter.

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By Bishop Louis Kihneman

Bishop Kihneman wrote Missio Nostra to serve as a guide to help all the parishes, schools, families and minsitries in the Diocese of Biloxi make  the "shift from maintenance to answering the Great Commission of Jesus."  It is a practical guide that takes the time to explain and define foundational concepts, provides practical suggestions and recommendations for implementation, and encourages all Catholics to reflect on how they can better live out the Great Commission in their personal lives & families as well as in their schools, parishes, and ministries.  It is available in English, Spanish, French and Vietnamese.  

Learn your love language. Take the profile that suits you & discover your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect with your loved one with intimacy and fulfillment.  

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In the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today.

The 5 Love Languages is as practical as it is insightful. Updated to reflect the complexities of relationships today, this new edition reveals intrinsic truths and applies relevant, actionable wisdom in ways that work.

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