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Making Disciples Today: Blog

This retreat is exactly what is needed in church ministry right now.  It was exactly what I needed.  I want to make changes in my life and my ministry.  Thank You!

Parish Staff Member
Diocese of Green Bay, WI


This was both practical and spiritual.  It has helped give me concrete language to pinpoint who God is for me, and most importantly begin to unpack why.  I only got about halfway through the reflection handout, but I'm looking forward to going through the rest at home!

Parish Staff Member
Diocese of Green Bay, WI

This retreat helped me see parish life through a different filter. Those of us who work in ministry think we have dynamic parishes, but so much of what we do is ineffective, dead or dying. I received so much more on how to better serve my parish than I could have ever imagined.

A Deacon
Diocese of Lafayette, LA

I was worried that this was going to be similar to the many “classes” we had already been through - many of which felt like passive reception of content. That was definitely not the case. The wealth of info you gave us - especially the exposure to so many different resources - will be beneficial to me in my ministry. You encouraged me to open up myself and be a little vulnerable - something you modeled so well.

Candidate for the Diaconate
Diocese of Lafayette, LA