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A Church on the Move offers 52 practical strategies for moving parishes forward, principally by focusing on the one thing the Church can offer that the world-at-large cannot: Jesus Christ.  Joe Paprocki believes that with the right plans in place, the Catholic Church—and the local parish specifically—will not only survive, but thrive.  Each chapter begins with a quote from Pope Francis, and each helpful strategy falls within one of five key categories: how a Church on the move thinks, functions, worships, forms disciples, and engages the world. Every chapter takes an honest look at a particular problem in the Church before moving to a creative, redemptive, and achievable solution.


Director of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay, Julianne Stanz says,

There are a few books that I continually recommend to parishes. This is one of them. Just this week I recommended A Church on the Move to four parishes. It is a MUST read for anyone in ministry.

I love this book because the suggestions are practical, do-able and are missionary oriented. Happy Reading!

While there have been gallons of ink spilled on the theology and theory of the New Evangelization, few books really get into the practical boots-on-the-ground applications in parish life.  This book is one of them.

Your parish may not be able to implement every idea offered in the first year (one idea a week), but you are certain to find a few suggestions that will fit your community and be easy to start.

Recommended for:

  • Parish Staff
  • Parish Leaders
  • Priests and Deacons