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Support & Consulting Services

In Your Parish, Diocese, and School

"The parish in and through all of its activities, should animate its members to become agents of the New Evangelization, witnessing through both their words and their lives" (XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops)

Parishes, dioceses and Catholic schools across the United States are seeking to understand and implement the call to New Evangelization - to re-propose the person of Christ to their people.

We build relationships with parishes, dioceses, and schools who are ready to take the next step toward creating a culture of intentional discipleship. By accompanying your group, we provide encouragement and accountability, help uncover resources, and facilitate discussions that foster a culture of discipleship at your parish.  

  • discipleship compass circle
  • Strategic Planning for Evangelization
  • book a speaker circle
  • Equip Staff, Councils & Leaders for Mission 
  • accompaniment training circle
  • Unpack the Art of Accompaniment
  • book a speaker circle
  • Create a Culture of Intentional Disicpleship

We are committed to walking with you, your staff, your leaders, and your entire community as we seek to know Jesus and His Church together.  The work of evangelization is, above all, relational.  To walk with you on your communitiy's journey of discipleship, whether for a single retreat or event or for long term strategic planning, is the heart of our mission.  

One Size Does NOT Fit Allsquare peg round hole

There are hundreds of programs and ministries today that claim to be ‘the way’ to live the Church’s call to New Evangelization. In reality, there is no single program, book, DVD series, or process that will fit your community’s specific charisms and culture.

It is through the art of accompaniment - walking with people, meeting them where they are at and sharing in their joys and sorrows and steadily witnessing to the power of Jesus Christ in our own lives - that we can work together to not only make disciples of Jesus, but also become more fully His disciples ourselves.

You don't have to do it alone!

Whether you're ready to book a speaker, want to start planning for discipelship, or are just looking for someone to help you brainstorm, we'd love to hear from you!

Contact Us Today!

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