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Jan 2025 - Missionary Disciple Inservice, Wausau

Digital Downloads


prayer resource guideWe have combed through the thousands upon thousands of available books, videos, CDs, websites, podcasts, DVDs, and apps to create these Resource Guides.

Each Resource Guide is broken down by resource level (Emerging, Moderate, Strong/High, and Family) and by resource type (Print, Audio, Video, Web).  The cost of the resources found in these guides varies, but many are free!


The truth is that we are loved by a God who delights in us - simply because we are His.  In this powerful audio series (available as MP3 downloads), noted Catholic evangelist Kristin Bird breaks open the message of God's unconditional love and mercy for us.  Using practical examples and humor, mixed with Kristin's honest and direct approach, the engaging storytelling will help reveal the obstacles that get in the way of saying "yes" to the Father's love, discover what it means to live in the freedom of Jesus's Kingdom, and actively discern and cooperate with the power of the Holy Spirit.    

As you continue on your discipleship journey, know that we are praying for you.  If you have questions, concerns, or find that the resources here aren’t exactly what you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Resource Guide: Lectio Divina

$0.99 each

Prayer is communication with God, but often it is a one way conversation. Especially in today's busy and noisy world, it can be difficult to calm our hearts and minds enough to be able to hear God speaking to us. Rest assured, He is speaking to you! 

The Scriptures are one of the easiest and clearest places to hear God speaking. The resources in this Guide can help you dive into a new level of prayer - into a deeper relationship with God. Our prayer is that you can experience a true encounter with the Lord in His Word, and that this encounter transforms you.


  • How To Guide: Six Simple Steps
  • Materials Needed
  • Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Prayer
  • Praying Scripture with Children
  • Video & Audio Resources
  • Print Resources
  • Web-Based Resources

Take the survey and get a sample of the resources in this guide absolutely free!

Take our Burning Hearts Survey and one of our Disciples will help you idenitfy the resources best for your level and learning style..  After taking the survey, we'll send you this sample page from the Resource Guide: Prayer at no charge!

As you continue to grow in intimacy and friendship with God, know that we are praying for you.  If you have questions, concerns, or find that the resources here aren't exactly what you need, please don't hesitate to contact us.