The Making Disciples Today Blog has reflections to help you grow in your journey of missionary discipleship, reviews on recommended Catholic evangelization resources, and practical insight on how to evangelize in your daily life.
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- Written by: Kristin Bird

We live in a world where personal experience holds more authority than rules, doctrines, or even experts. That means that if we want to reach people, if we want to bring them into a deeper relationship with Jesus, we have to start with something more powerful than apologetics or theological arguments—we have to start with our stories.
The Power of Story to Reveal Truth
Have you ever noticed that some truths are so hard to accept? This powerful story reveals why storytelling might be the key to making truth more palatable:
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- Written by: Burning Hearts Team
How Accompaniment Can Help You Grow This Lent
The forty days of Lent can seem like a long time, especially if one is giving up a favorite food or video game. It's helpful to have a friend to keep us going. He or she can encourage us, challenge us, and pick us up if we falter. In fact, that kind of accompaniment - a holy friendship developed out of mutual love for one another and a desire to walk with one another into deeper relationship with Jesus - is the heart of evangelization and discipleship.
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- Written by: Kristin Bird

Lent calls us deeper. Deeper into prayer. Deeper into fasting. Deeper into generosity. Lent calls us to a generosity that stretches us beyond comfort, beyond obligation, beyond the extra we happen to have.
When Jesus watched people putting money into the temple treasury, He didn’t praise the ones who gave large sums out of their abundance. Instead, He pointed out a poor widow who dropped in two small coins—everything she had to live on.
"Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on." (Mark 12:43-44)
She gave everything. And that’s exactly what Jesus asks of us.
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- Written by: Kristin Bird

Evangelizing Answers to Every Catholic's Favorite Ash Wednesday Question
We don't presume to have the right response for every situation, but there are a few suggestions below that might help give you a foundation whether the questioner is a stranger just trying to be helpful...