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Making Disciples Today: Blog

When you walk through the doors of any parish, it’s easy to see where much of our energy goes. From Sunday school classes to youth groups, we pour so much into nurturing the faith of our youngest members. And while that’s important, here’s the reality: if we want our parishes to truly thrive, it’s time to broaden our focus. We need to engage adults in their faith journeys as actively as we do our children.

Why?  Because the faith of the next generation depends on it. 

The Limits of a Child-Focused Approach

Of course, children are incredibly open to learning about their faith, but here’s the thing: their spiritual growth is largely shaped by the adults in their lives. Parents, especially, have the biggest influence. In fact, research* shows that when parents are living out their faith, their kids are much more likely to do the same. It’s that simple. The family is the domestic church—the place where faith is both taught and caught.

So, what happens if we focus on forming adults just as intentionally as we do our children? The benefits will ripple throughout the entire community.

Why Adult Formation Matters More Than Ever

Right now, many parishes pour most of their resources into youth catechesis. But what if we shifted some of that focus to adults? Imagine the impact. When adults are fully engaged in their faith, they become powerful witnesses to those around them. They lead by example, not just in their homes, but throughout the parish and beyond.

Adults who are growing in their faith become role models for younger generations, bridge builders for those who’ve drifted away, and true evangelizers who live out the Gospel in everyday life. They assist with outreach ministries, lead small groups, serve as mentors and sponsors, and all the other creative ideas we hear from parish leaders who want to transform their parish and community, but do not have the help they need yet.  These are the people our parishes need—missionary disciples who can inspire others, walk with others, teach others, and help build a culture of intentional discipleship.

The catechesis of adults … is the principal form of catechesis, because it is addressed to persons who have the greatest responsibilities and the capacity to live the Christian message in its fully developed form. (St. John Paul II, Catechesi Tradendae)

Faith Begins At Home - So Let's Equip Parents

We all know that faith starts at home. We know that parents are the first and most important faith teachers for their children. We know that no Sunday school class, religious education program, or youth ministry can replace the impact of parents who not only teach children, but who model what mature discipleship looks like.  But we can’t expect parents to do that unless we’re giving them the tools and knowledge they need to confidently live out and share their faith.

By focusing almost exclusively on children’s catechesis, we’re not only ignoring the Church’s teaching on the domestic church, we’re setting families up for failure.  We can’t expect children to grow in faith when their primary role models are being left behind.

By shifting our focus to adult formation, we ensure that parents are equipped to make faith part of everyday family life—not just something that happens at church. When we help parents grow spiritually, we’re creating a ripple effect that will shape generations to come.

It's Time for Action

Well-formed adults aren’t just growing in their own spiritual lives—they’re becoming the primary educators of their children’s faith. Think about the difference it makes when kids see their parents living out the faith with passion and understanding. That kind of authentic witness is contagious.

So, how do we make this shift? We must develop strategies to engage adults actively in their faith journey. This means offering more than just the sacraments; it involves creating opportunities for learning, discussion, and practical application of faith in everyday life.

It starts with being just as creative and intentional with adult programming as we are with youth ministry. Offer Bible studies, retreats, and workshops that speak to adult concerns—parenting, work-life balance, and living out the faith in today’s world. Create real opportunities for adults to deepen their faith and put it into action.

Here's What We Need to Do Right Now:

  • Develop dynamic, engaging programming that speaks directly to adults and their real-world struggles.
  • Train catechists and leaders specifically focused on adult formation.
  • Make sure every parish event—whether it’s a homily, a service project, or a family faith night—connects back to the central goal of forming intentional disciples, of all ages.
  • Set up mentorship programs where seasoned disciples can guide others on their journey.
  • Create spaces where adults feel welcome to ask tough questions and wrestle with their faith—where it’s okay to doubt, learn, and grow.

We Can't Wait Any Longer 

Here’s the truth: if we don’t prioritize adult faith formation now, we’re missing out on one of the most powerful ways to build up our parish communities. This isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s absolutely essential. The future of our parishes depends on it.

Jesus didn’t only call the young—He called adults from all walks of life to be His disciples, to follow Him, and to transform their communities. And that’s exactly what we’re called to do today. By investing in adult formation, we’re not just shaping individuals—we’re equipping entire families, strengthening the parish, and creating a community where the Gospel is lived out with passion.

The time is now. Let’s commit to making adult discipleship a priority and watch as our parishes move from maintenance to mission. Together, we can build stronger, more vibrant faith communities, one adult disciple at a time.

You don't have to do it alone! Our team is happy to talk with you about how to plan for this kind of transformation, where to start, and connect you with other parish leaders who have already started down the path. 


Handing Down the Faith: How Parents Pass Their Religion on to the Next Generation (Oxford University Press), by researcher Christian Smith,  details the results of a recent study demonstrating that parents, by far, are the most successful and influential player in their kids adopting the Christian faith compared to any other influence.