Discovering Your Faith Story is an invitation for you to discover the ways that God has touched your life through your own personal history. Many of us are disposed to think that God intersecting in our lives is something unusual - a miraculous healing or a kind of supernatural energy that leaves us enraptured. We imagine that religious experiences are something that happen to others - others who pray more often, live more morally, and are inspired by the Holy Spirit more often than we do.
Yet all of us have religious experiences - moments of reflection, prayer, hope, intuition, decision, doubt, joy. These moments are indications of God working in our ordinary lives. More than just a talk, Discovering Your Faith Story is an exercise that invites you to look back at your life and see patterns, events, threads, and institutions that have composed your experiences of God and leads you to a greater awareness of God in daily life.
Short Talk
This presentation can be done as a shorter talk (60-90 mins) that walks participants through the exercise at a quicker pace and provides handouts for them to complete reflections on their own time. Suggestions are given on how to apply the insights gained.
Retreat Day
This presentation can also be offered as a longer retreat experience (4-6 hours). The first half of the day is spent on personal prayer and reflection. Participants are given time to discover the elements of their own faith journey and discuss insights gained in small groups/partners. The second half of the retreat includes presentations and workshop time equipping participants to become more confident in sharing their faith story with others.
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Great for:
- Religious Education Parents
- Confirmation Classes
- RCIA Candidates & Sponsors
- Adult Faith Formation
- Care Ministry Team Members
- Catechist Inservice
- Evangelization Team Training
- and more!

Additional Suggested Resources:
Discovering My Experience of God
Frank Desiano CSP and Kenneth Boyak CSP, Paulist Press, 2009.
(Kindle Edition)
Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus
Sherry A. Weddell, Our Sunday Visitor, 2012.
Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us
United States Catholic Conference, 1999.
(Kindle Edition)