We build relationships with the leadership teams at parishes, dioceses, schools and help you discern your next best step toward creating a culture of intentional discipleship. Every community's goals, gifts, and demographics are a little different, and every path is a little different. We can help YOUR team find YOUR path.
There is no single program, book, DVD series, or process that will fit your community’s specific charisms and culture. We provide encouragement and accountability, help uncover resources, and facilitate discussions that can create a concrete path for mission that works for YOU.
Because we know that one size does NOT fit all, the leadership equipping process is tailored to fit YOUR team.
Not sure where to begin? Don't have a solid leadership team?
We can help you identify, call & form leaders.
Need to get your existing staff & councils focused on mission?
We'll get you all moving in the same direction.
Struggling to break through unresolved tension or unhealthy team dymanics?
We have experience with change management & conflict resolution.
We believe it is through the art of accompaniment - walking with pople, meeting them where they are at and sharing in their joys and sorrows and steadily witnessing to the power of Jesus Christ in our own lives - that we can not only make disciples of Jesus, but we can also become more fully His disciples ourselves.
We are committed to walking with you, your leaders, and your entire community as we seek to know Jesus and His Church together. The work of evangelization is, above all, relational. To walk with you on your communitiy's journey of discipleship, whether it is for just one retreat or event or for a long term relationship of growth together, is the heart of our mission.