Divorce. Broken families. Sexual abuse. Pornography. Gender issues. Everywhere we look, we find more confusion about the fundamental truths of human life. As we lose our basic understanding of the meanings of man, woman, marriage, and sex, the question becomes ever more urgent:
What does it mean to be a human being?
Understanding the basics of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, making his profound teachings on human sexuality easy to grasp and apply in our lives. You will discover a deeper understanding of your role in your family and in society, learn how to better love and be loved by your spouse or future spouse, and gain new insights on how to respond with clarity and compassion to hot-button issues on sexuality.
Our Theology of the Body sessions take the time to lay a strong foundation and delve deep into TOB as worldview. Examining hot-button issues through the lens of TOB helps participants be able to recognize the reason for the Church’s teachings even if they continue to disagree.
This integrated approach helps demonstrate how the Theology of the Body is a unifying vision that brings together all of the Church’s teachings — social justice, prayer & sacraments, discipleship, Christology, and more.
Come learn more about the legacy left behind by St. John Paul II. This introduction to his Theology of the Body will explore these questions (and more):
- What does Scripture reveal to us about who God is? About who we are?
- How is God’s Divine Design revealed in sacred art and architecture?
- What exactly is God’s Plan for sexuality?
- What does the Church really teach about sex?
View a TOB presentation given by Kristin Bird at St. Peter the Fisherman in Two Rivers on May 2, 2023
SESSION I: Mission & Transformation
An exploration of the Mission of the Church in Her current context - where the Church is called and the lived experience of most Catholics today. .
Additional Reading/Listening/Watching
Evangelii Nuntiandi: On Evangelization in the Modern World (Pope Paul VI)
Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing & Following Jesus (Sherry Weddell)
Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel (Pope Francis)
SESSION II: Parish Renewal
In this session, we will dive into the three major, essential components of parish renewal (the best of human organizational and leadership principles; a deep understanding of evangelization and discipleship; the supernatural dimensions of life in Christ) and highlight the characteristics of mission-focused parishes and dioceses. This will set the framework for the rest of our time together and allow us to very practically and concretely offer tools, resources, and approaches that actually make a difference in the life of a community.
Additional Reading/Listening/Watching
Living as Missionary Disciples
(USCCB)Made for Mission: Renewing Your Parish Culture (Tim Glemkowski)
Divine Renovation: Bringing Your Parish From Maintenance to Mission
(Fr. James Mallon)From Christendom to Apostolic Mission
(Msgr James Shea)
An Examination of Conscience for Evangelizers (Burning Hearts Disciples)
A Discussion on Parish Renewal & Evangelisation (Divine Renovation Webinar) -
Session III & IV: 5 Paradigm Shifts
Introducing 5 lenses through which we can view our efforts toward renewal. We’ll analyze how parish culture can either block or foster transformation and consider the mindset shifts required for genuine renewal. Working as a large group and in smaller groups at tables, we will dive deeper into the 5 paradigm shifts and provide opportunities for the participants to consider how they apply to their parish experiences. We’ll suggest tools to analyze parish culture and walk through some of the underlying issues that prevent parishes from becoming places that make intentional disciple.
Additional Reading/Listening/Watching
Doing the Math of Mission: Fruits, Faithfulness, and Metrics
(Gil Rendel)Start With Jesus: How Everyday Disicples Will Renew the Church
(Julianne Stanz) -
Session V: Building Healthy Organizations
Check back after the final day of the Convocation -
Session VI: Discernment for Alignment to Mission
Check back after the final day of the Convocation