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Oct 2023 - Diocese of Duluth Priest Conference

 Teaching TOB teens

Our Executive Director Kristin Bird inspires middle and high school teens with St John Paul II’s teachings on the meaning of life and the purpose of love.  This introduction to his Theology of the Body will explore these questions (and more): 

  • What does Scripture reveal to us about who God is? About who we are? 
  • Why do I have to go to Church? Why can’t I just pray by myself? 
  • What exactly is God’s Plan for sexuality? What does the Church really teach about sex?

Kristin has over 15 years experience in Middle School and High School religious education and youth ministry.  She has trained numerous catechests and religious education professionals on how to incorporate Theology of the Body into their lessons and curriculums and even helped edit the high school Theology of the Body curriculum for Life Teen International

More than Catholic "Sex Ed"

Reducing TOB to chastity education deprives students of the incredible beauty of this teaching. Theology of the Body does more than help us understanding Catholic sexual morality. It provides a ‘lens’ through which to view the whole mystery of human life, leaving no part of our world or our faith untouched.

TOB Two Rivers

Our Theology of the Body sessions take the time to lay a strong foundation and delve deep into TOB as worldview. Examining hot-button issues through the lens of TOB helps students be able to recognize the reason for the Church’s teachings even if they continue to disagree.  

An integrated approach helps students see that the Theology of the Body is a unifying vision that brings together all of the Church’s teachings — social justice, prayer & sacraments, discipleship, Christology, and more.  

View a TOB presentation given by Kristin Bird at St. Peter the Fisherman in Two Rivers on May 2, 2023

Read what others have said...


  • Everyone shared from their hearts...

    I talked to most of our staff about how they felt about the workshop. Overall, our staff thought it was great. The best comment I received was that they were not expecting to be vulnerable going into it. However, once everyone shared from their hearts, it allowed this individual to feel safely vulnerable.

    Personally, I thought I was doing a good job of being my true self. However, the feedback I received was that folks were surprised by my answers. Hopefully, I can use this as a reminder to be more open on a daily basis. Thanks again for your time and sharing your talents with our parish staff!

    Office Manager • Green Bay, WI

  • Changed my thinking on what's next

    Thanks for a very real perspective from a lay person.  

    [Kristin's] witness was very inspiring, she was easy to understand and brought up helpful ideas for what a relationhsip with Jesus could be and how to worship.  

    Her message and mission was insightful and changed my thinking on what's next.

    Parish Leaders • Diocese of Winona Rochester

  • I love how it was customized to my life.

    Instead of the group leader deciding what he wanted to discuss, I was able to get personal growth in areas I expressed wanting additional knowledge in.  I loved how it was customized to my life.  Our sessions together really touched on all areas of our faith, and shined a light on areas that I personally wasn't as tune in with.

    Felicia G., Parishioner

  • "I wasn't planning to stay, but I couldn't leave!"

    I have been to many conferences and talks in the past 18 years as a DRE.  This was the BEST!  I have heard all the great speakers including Dr. Sri, Scott Hahn, and Jeff Cavins; Kristin is very much as good or better.  I wasn't planning to stay for the entire day.  I was going to help out with hospitality and then go do other work - but I couldn't leave!   Thank you!

    Director of Religious Education
    Diocese of LaCrosse

  • "You encouraged me to pursue my own healing"

    I’ve been thinking about the witness on your family you shared at the Discipleship Formation Seminar I and I am so thankful that you did. It struck me so profoundly and beautifully, that I am still thinking about it. Your courage and the way you were able to simply be honest really resonated with me and my own family, so thank you. Thank you for being willing to share it because it encouraged me to pursue my own healing. It still has a long way to go, but it’s on its way.

    Diocesan Director

    Contact us today to book a Theology of the Body series for your middle and/or high school students.