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Making Disciples Today: Blog

When I was told I had to participate in this ongoing formation for discipleship, I was annoyed and didn't want to come.  The first class was awesome, and by the end of each gathering, I couldn't wait for the next session. I feel very blessed to have shared this time of learning with you!

5th grade catechist, Diocese of Green Bay

I have been to many conferences and talks in the past 18 years as a DRE.  This was the BEST!  I have heard all the great speakers including Dr. Sri, Scott Hahn, and Jeff Cavins; Kristin is very much as good or better.  I wasn't planning to stay for the entire day.  I was going to help out with hospitality and then go do other work - but I couldn't leave!   Thank you!

Director of Religious Education
Diocese of LaCrosse

The Accompaniment course hit me right-on with very practical steps on how to walk with others and to see the bigger picture (something I have been in need of) of where I am on my own journey as well as how to help my family and parish. The stressing of a focus on Jesus, not being silent, praying with people now, healing, the importance of stories & listening, and many other items were also a great capstone.  

I have been “drinking out of firehouse” of our Catholic Faith since having an experience of the love of Jesus in January of this year.  My wife had experienced a similar encounter at that time as well, which has been great has been a blessing to walk together. We have experienced many small (& a few large) transformations over the last 8-months and the accompaniment training has been one more step on this journey.  

Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI

This was the first formation event that I have attended, and I fully plan on attending the rest of the series. This was material that I will go back to again and again.  Kristin was an excellent speaker - I appreciated her directness, and also her including group discussion and prayer times.  I am looking forward the next session!  

Parish Staff Member
Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI
