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Strategic Planning for Evangelization | DISCIPLESHIP COMPASS

Presenters: Steve & Maureen Anderson / Tony & Kristin Bird

All Christians are invited to a “renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 9). 

Christ calls all people to himself in his Body, the Church, through the workings of the Holy Spirit, so that we can enter into a personal relationship with God the Father. “In virtue of their baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples” (Evangelii Gaudium, no. 120).

The Diocese of Biloxi teacher & school staff inservice is designed to:

  • provide an overview of Bishop Kihneman's vision for moving the entire diocese to a culture of missionary discipleship,
  • explain the evangelization and discipleship process and provide a common language and vocabulary for the process,
  • offer an opportunity for personal encounter with Jesus and personal exploration of the core gospel proclamation (kerygma),
  • guide staff through a process of identifying the key elements of their personal journeys to discipleship, and
  • equip staff with beginning practical tools and skills to discern where others may be on their faith journey and how to help walk them into their next step.

Many participants find that attending a single seminar or retreat day is only able to provide a brief overview of some of the key elements to discipleship and evangelization. Spending time reflecting, praying, and learning both individually and as a group will help ensure you take the concepts from theories and apply them in practice in your own life and in your parish.

Looking for the handouts and resources used during the inservce day?  Want to talk with us about other resources we recommend for both individuals and groups to help you on your path toward missionary discipleship?  Contact Us!