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Diocese of Green Bay Discipleship Seminar II: Follow Jesus

Burning Hearts Disciples is assisting the Diocese of Green Bay in continuing to deepening our friendship with Jesus Christ through Regional Discipleship Formation Seminars. These one-day seminars are designed to help key parish volunteer leaders and parish staff understand the challenges in forming disciples of Jesus Christ and the connection between evangelization, catechesis, parish life, and mission within the discipleship process. 

No Follow Jesus Seminars are currently scheduled.  

If you would like to schedule a Follow Jesus Seminar for your parish, vicariate, or parish cluster, contact us today!

Schedule a Follow Jesus Seminar

Those who will be his disciples are already seeking him (cf. Jn 1:38), but it is the Lord who calls them: “Follow me” (Mk 1:14; Mt 9:9). This seminar will introduce participants to Jesus’ method of discipleship, the habits of discipleship and the necessity of focusing on healing within the missionary discipleship process.

 Many parish leaders find that attending a single seminar or retreat day is only able to provide a brief overview of some of the key elements to discipleship and evangelization. Spending time reflecting, praying, and learning both individually and as a group will help ensure you take the concepts from theories and apply them in practice in your own life and in your parish.

evangelization methodology GB

In 2014, the Diocese of Green Bay launched a process into the new evangelization called “Disciples on the Way”. The goal of “Disciples on the Way” is the renewal of each person and in turn, our parishes through discovering Jesus, following Jesus, worshipping Jesus and sharing Jesus. Bishop Ricken adapted the USCCB methodology using his own language for application in the Diocese of Green Bay.  

The Encounter, Accompaniment, Community, Mission methodology is outlined in the USCCB document Living as Missionary Disciples: A Resource for Evangelization. The appendix includes reflection questions for each of the four methodology areas.  Additional resources can also be found in the New Evangelization Library on the website for the Diocese of Green Bay.