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Resource Reviews

The Power of Story: Parish Mission February 24-26, 2025

The most valuable way to share our faith is by telling our own story - our own personal testimony of the difference Jesus Christ has made in our lives.  In a world where facts are spun and muddled, where misinformation spreads far faster than truth, and where conspiracy gets more attention than conversion, our stories of faith have more power than ever before.  This parish mission is designed to bring about conversion - a collision of narratives. Discover how God's Story touches my story and your story, and experience the collision of grace that results.   Join us to be awaked and revitalized in your relationship with Jesus and His Church.  
We'll break open the most powerful stories you have -  the ones that come out of your personal encounter with the life-changing power of the person of Jesus.  We'll uncover your answer to the key question:  What difference has Jesus made in my life? 
“The light of faith is linked to concrete life-stories.” (Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei, 12)

"Faith is not the product of reflection, nor is it even an attempt to penetrate the depths of my own being.  Both these things may be present, but they remain insufficient without the ‘listening’ through which God, from without, from a story he himself created, challenges me." (Pope Benedict XVI)

Additional resources and downloadable resources & reflections to help you unpack the mission's theme and topic will be found below after each night of the mission.

Jump to Monday Night | Tuesday Night | Wednesday Night

Monday Night: Unleashing the Power of Story

Downloadable resources from burning hearts

Additional recommended Resources  

 From Christendom to Apostolic Mission: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age (University of Mary) Sharing the Faith That You Love 
(John & Therese Boucher) 
 Every Knee Shall Bow Podcast (Epsidoe 89): The Power of Storytelling 
The Storydram Podcast:   Stories to help share The Story (Kory LaCroix & Chris Kostelc) Word on Fire Podcast (Episode 333): Storytelling and Evangelization 

Previously recorded presentation on the Power of Story:

Tuesday Night: Becoming God's Storytellers

The kerygma is the message of the Gospel; the apostolic proclamation of salvation through Jesus Christ.  It is the core and heart of our faith - the foundation of the Good News we are called to proclaim in word and deed.  The most powerful proclamation of the kerygma is the one that comes from out of your personal encounter with the life-changing power of the person of Jesus.  The most effective proclamation tool you have at your fingertips is your answer to this question:  What difference has Jesus made in your life?

Downloadable resources from burning hearts

Additional recommended Resources

Loved As I Am
(Sr. Miriam James Heidland)
Be Healed 
(Dr. Bob Schuchts)
Resources & Tools to Help You Proclaim the Kerygma
(Burning Hearts Disciples)
You Are God's Beloved - Audio Download (Kristin Bird)
 Set Free By Love - Audio Download (Kristin Bird)
God the Father Loves You - YouTube
(Ascension Press)
  The Gathering Place Podcast Episode 123: All We Have to Do is Say Yes (Blessed Is She)    Rescue Project Challenge on Hallow App

Wednesday Night: Discovering Your Story

Downloadable resources from burning hearts

Additional recommended Resources

Discovering My Experience of God 
(Fr. Frank DeSiano & Fr. Kenneth Boyack)
  The Ultimate Relationship
(Catholic Christian Outreach)
 missionary disciple podcastThe Missionary Disciple Podcast Season 2 Episode 24: Sharing Your Testimony (CCO)

If you would like to talk to someone about how to discover, unpack, and share your story of faith, please don't hesitate to contact us

Share Your Story!  Tell us about your experience of the Mission!