The Stations of the Cross refers to the depiction of the final hours (or Passion) of Jesus, and the devotion commemorating the Passion.
All Catholic parishes have depictions of Christ’s Passion and death called the Stations of the Cross, The Way of the Cross or Via Dolorosa (way of suffering) In many churches, the Stations of the Cross are depicted in stained-glass windows, but other media are used as well, including paintings and stone or wood carvings and sculptures. Often on Friday evenings during Lent, you can find a parish that’s open with Catholics meditating and saying prayers in unison before each of the 14 stations.
The Stations of the Cross is a Lenten devotion that offers witness to Jesus’ Passion and Death. Often, the Stations of the Cross is an action prayer. Catholics walk to the fourteen stations of the Way of the Cross and stop to pray at each one. At each station we use our senses and our imagination to reflect prayerfully upon Jesus’ suffering, Death, and Resurrection, and to simply experience the visual images to reflect on Christ’s love for us.
We've listed the best Way of the Cross prayer resources for...
- beginners who are new to this form of prayer,
- families and those who want to pray the stations of the cross with children, and
- busy adults who may not be able to join your parish Stations of the Cross prayer time.
For Beginners
Stations of the Cross with Father Reed
Father Robert Reed reflects on Jesus' road to Calvary where he was crucified on the cross. Fr. Reed, of the Archdiocese of Boston, has long entertained a keen interest in the full use of television and new media for an engaging and truthful sharing of Catholic Faith and life. He believes that the best remedy for discouraged Catholics is a reclaimed sense of the Catholic Church's rich traditions.
The Stations of the Cross: A Devotional Guide
A 15-part series of devotional reflections on The Stations of the Cross (including 14 stations plus an Easter postscript). The author “walks” through the stations with you, one station per day. Scripture passages, personal reflections and prayers, and specially comissioned artwork help you pray each station. This online version of The Way of the Cross can help you enter into a deeper understanding and experience of the passion of Jesus, so that you might be ready to celebrate Easter with new joy and freedom.
Available online (free).

Everyone's Way of the Cross
For more than forty years, the simple, intimate, and powerful words of Clarence Enzler's Everyone's Way of the Cross have invited readers to grow closer to Christ by embracing the mystery of suffering in the world. The beautiful, meditative, commissioned artwork expresses how these meditations show Christ among us--often in unexpected places. In the words of the artists: "We find him in the subway, yearning at the border, standing in the soup line--the bewildered soldier, the single mother, the abused child, the lonely senior, the bullied teen."
Available in paperback ($1.50) and Kindle ($0.99) editions.for Busy Adults
John Paul II's Biblical Way of the Cross
In 1991, Pope John Paul II introduced a new Bible-based interpretation of the Stations of the Cross. This devotional guide to invite readers to prayerfully walk in solidarity with Jesus on his agonizing way of the cross-- from his last torturous moments in the Garden of Gethsemane to his death and burial. Now with full-color station images from previously unpublished paintings by Michael OBrien, this booklet creates an ideal resource for individual or group devotional use, particularly during the Lenten season.
Praying the Way of the Cross - featuring Liam Neeson
Oscar-nominated actor Liam Neeson is the featured narrator of this album. Neeson reads the Introduction and prayers for each of the 14 Stations of the Cross written by St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori. The 18th-century Italian saint is a doctor of the Church and founded the Redemptorist. Instead of feeling dated, the meditations (in Neeson's rich voice) and music make the prayer come alive.
Available on iTunes or Amazon ($9.99)
hallow stations of the cross
Praying with Hallow is a great way to let yourself focus on each station and moment Christ endured. Rather than making sure you’re going in the right order, we will guide you. The Hallow app has three different versions of the stations to guide you including one exclusive session from Bishop Barron of Word on Fire Ministries.
Available for iOS & Google Play
For Children And Families
KIds stations of the cross
(Ages 5 - 10) This wonderfully illustrated booklet includes age-appropriate descriptions of each Station, prayers, and questions for reflection and discussion.
This beautiful, ancient devotion allows children to understand the strength and mercy of God, to praise and thank Jesus for giving his life for us, and, ultimately, to find great hope in the redemption of the world through his holy cross.
As children walk with Jesus in OSV Kids Stations of the Cross, they begin to see how he walks with them at home, at school, and in every moment of their lives.
Available from Amazon and OSV ($4.95)
Multimedia Stations of the Cross for Children

For example – Jesus is condemned – have you ever felt condemned or condemned someone who had really not done anything wrong? Do we condemn those who are not like everyone else and exclude them?
Holy Heroes Stations of the Cross CD & Prayer Book
(All Ages) A great way to bring one of the most popular family devotions to your home in a way that touches young and old alike. Children lead the short meditations and the prayers. Each station is also described with sound effects and music. Includes an introduction with background and "how to pray the Stations of the Cross."
Looking for a prayer book so children can lead the Stations... but that still speaks to every member of the family? Pair the CD with the Stations of the Cross Prayer booklet. Prayers for every Station with artwork to aid in meditation make this a great resource to allow children to lead the Stations.
Purchase both the Stations of the Cross CD ($14.95) and the Stations of the Cross Prayer Book ($6.95) at Holy Heroes.
Walk New: Way of the Cross for Teens
(Ages 12 and up) "Walk New" is the ideal book to use as a Lenten Resourse for both teens and adults. It addresses many issues our youth face in their lives today. The excellent meditations for young people to draw closer to Christ and to help them to carry their cross, give themselves in service, and grow in holiness.
Available in paperback on Amazon.