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Parish Mission - St. Mary of the Annunciation Mundelein, IL

Find tools to equip and support your call to live as a misisonary disciple in your home, workplace, and community. We have combed through the thousands upon thousands of available books, videos, CDs, websites, podcasts, DVDs, and more to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus and share faith more effectively with others.  

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As you continue on your discipleship journey, know that we are praying for you.  If you have questions, concerns, or find that the resources here aren’t exactly what you need, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


By: Deacon Keith Strohm

Themes: The Kerygma

In Jesus: The Story You Thought You Knew, Deacon Keith Strohm invites you not just to read about Jesus, but to have a transformative encounter with him. This isn't a book of theology, or an abstract story with little impact on your real life. It is the story that can and will transform you if you re open to it. In these pages, you will discover who you truly are and what you were created for. You will meet Jesus, not simply as an historical figure, but as our living and present Savior and friend. Reflection and discussion questions are included at the end of each chapter...


By: Bishop Louis Kihneman

Themes: Equipping LeadershipForming Missionary DisciplesMission

By Bishop Louis Kihneman

Bishop Kihneman wrote Missio Nostra to serve as a guide to help all the parishes, schools, families and minsitries in the Diocese of Biloxi make  the "shift from maintenance to answering the Great Commission of Jesus."  It is a practical guide that takes the time to explain and define foundational concepts, provides practical suggestions and recommendations for implementation, and encourages all Catholics to reflect on how they can better live out the Great Commission in their personal lives & families as well as in their schools, parishes, and ministries.  It is available in English, Spanish, French and Vietnamese.  ...


By: Gary Chapman

Themes: 5 Love Languages

Learn your love language. Take the profile that suits you & discover your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect with your loved one with intimacy and fulfillment.  ...


By: Gary Chapman

Themes: 5 Love Languages

In the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages, you’ll discover the secret that has transformed millions of relationships worldwide. Whether your relationship is flourishing or failing, Dr. Gary Chapman’s proven approach to showing and receiving love will help you experience deeper and richer levels of intimacy with your partner—starting today...


By: Kristin Bird

Themes: 5 Love LanguagesThe Kerygma

The truth is that we are loved by a God who delights in us - simply because we are His. In this powerful talk, noted Catholic evangelist Kristin Bird breaks open the message of God's unconditional love and mercy for us. Using practical examples and humor, mixed with Kristin's honest and direct approach, this moving presentation will reveal the obstacles that get in the way of our saying "yes" to the Father's love and present us a new way of approaching our relationship with God...


By: Burning Hearts Disciples

Themes: 5 Love Languages

If you were certain that the God of the universe delighted in you, would it change your life in any way? We hear others say that God loves us, yet sometimes we may feel unloved. We all have a deep longing, a desire to know that we are loved deeply. With an awareness of unchanging love, we find a settled security for our lives.  This download offers prayer suggestions and reflections for each of the different love languages...


By: Mark Hart

Themes: How Do You Pray?

Many would say the most important prayer we can say is the "Our Father" Why? Because Jesus himself taught us this prayer!  And yet, it is so easy to fall into the rote repetition of the words of this classic prayer without really engaging our hearts with it. More than a series of petitions, the Lord's Prayer is a way for us to connect deeply with the heart of our heavenly Father.  In The "R" Father, popular Catholic author Mark Hart reflects on each of the words and phrases of the Our Father, he emphasizes the intimate relationship that God desires to have with us...


By: Katie Warner)

Themes: Discipleship at Home

Husbands and wives. Fathers and Mothers. Breadwinners and Homemakers. As men and women, we have many ways of approaching our roles in family life. But what if we could find even deeper meaning in our God-given vocations by viewing ourselves as the spiritual head or the spiritual heart of our family?  In Head & Heart: Becoming Spiritual Leaders for Your Family, author Katie Warner unveils seven characteristics of strong spiritual leaders and provides practical tools for leading and loving our families toward heaven...


By: Joe Paprocki

Themes: Forming Missionary Disciples

A Church on the Move offers 52 practical strategies for moving parishes forward, principally by focusing on the one thing the Church can offer that the world-at-large cannot: Jesus Christ.  Joe Paprocki believes that with the right plans in place, the Catholic Church—and the local parish specifically—will not only survive, but thrive.  Each chapter begins with a quote from Pope Francis, and each helpful strategy falls within one of five key categories: how a Church on the move thinks, functions, worships, forms disciples, and engages the world. Every chapter takes an honest look at a particular problem in the Church before moving to a creative, redemptive, and achievable solution...