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How Do You Pray? Developing a Prayer Routine

Forming Missionary Disciples

missionary discipleship depth of relationship small"Discipleship" is often a buzzword in the church - used in numerous contexts and for varying purposes.  For our purposes, discipleship is an active response to a relationship with Christ.  Discipleship is active. It happens on purpose.  Author of the book Forming Intentional Disciples, Sherry Weddell, said, "You don't do [discipleship] accidentally; you don't do it in your sleep." 

Relationship is at the heart of discipleship 

This means that it is not a pyramid or mountain of perfection to climb.    It is a journey of growing - of knowing, loving, and serving Jesus, His Church, and one another more and more deeply.     

Discipleship, conversion, and a relationship with Christ don't end with obedience, intellectual assent, or emotional response. Mature discipleship — like mature friendship, love and marriage — is a complex, organic entity, always growing.

The resources below will help you explore how you can better live out The Great Commission of Jesus in your personal life, in your family, and in your parish or school. 

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19).

Explore Discipleship