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Making Disciples Today: Blog

 Teaching TOB teens

Our Executive Director Kristin Bird inspires middle and high school teens with St John Paul II’s teachings on the meaning of life and the purpose of love.  This introduction to his Theology of the Body will explore these questions (and more): 

  • What does Scripture reveal to us about who God is? About who we are? 
  • Why do I have to go to Church? Why can’t I just pray by myself? 
  • What exactly is God’s Plan for sexuality? What does the Church really teach about sex?

Kristin has over 15 years experience in Middle School and High School religious education and youth ministry.  She has trained numerous catechests and religious education professionals on how to incorporate Theology of the Body into their lessons and curriculums and even helped edit the high school Theology of the Body curriculum for Life Teen International

More than Catholic "Sex Ed"

Reducing TOB to chastity education deprives students of the incredible beauty of this teaching. Theology of the Body does more than help us understanding Catholic sexual morality. It provides a ‘lens’ through which to view the whole mystery of human life, leaving no part of our world or our faith untouched.

TOB Two Rivers

Our Theology of the Body sessions take the time to lay a strong foundation and delve deep into TOB as worldview. Examining hot-button issues through the lens of TOB helps students be able to recognize the reason for the Church’s teachings even if they continue to disagree.  

An integrated approach helps students see that the Theology of the Body is a unifying vision that brings together all of the Church’s teachings — social justice, prayer & sacraments, discipleship, Christology, and more.  

View a TOB presentation given by Kristin Bird at St. Peter the Fisherman in Two Rivers on May 2, 2023

Read what others have said...


  • Everyone shared from their hearts...

    I talked to most of our staff about how they felt about the workshop. Overall, our staff thought it was great. The best comment I received was that they were not expecting to be vulnerable going into it. However, once everyone shared from their hearts, it allowed this individual to feel safely vulnerable.

    Personally, I thought I was doing a good job of being my true self. However, the feedback I received was that folks were surprised by my answers. Hopefully, I can use this as a reminder to be more open on a daily basis. Thanks again for your time and sharing your talents with our parish staff!

    Office Manager • Green Bay, WI

  • Changed my thinking on what's next

    Thanks for a very real perspective from a lay person.  

    [Kristin's] witness was very inspiring, she was easy to understand and brought up helpful ideas for what a relationhsip with Jesus could be and how to worship.  

    Her message and mission was insightful and changed my thinking on what's next.

    Parish Leaders • Diocese of Winona Rochester

  • I love how it was customized to my life.

    Instead of the group leader deciding what he wanted to discuss, I was able to get personal growth in areas I expressed wanting additional knowledge in.  I loved how it was customized to my life.  Our sessions together really touched on all areas of our faith, and shined a light on areas that I personally wasn't as tune in with.

    Felicia G., Parishioner

  • "I wasn't planning to stay, but I couldn't leave!"

    I have been to many conferences and talks in the past 18 years as a DRE.  This was the BEST!  I have heard all the great speakers including Dr. Sri, Scott Hahn, and Jeff Cavins; Kristin is very much as good or better.  I wasn't planning to stay for the entire day.  I was going to help out with hospitality and then go do other work - but I couldn't leave!   Thank you!

    Director of Religious Education
    Diocese of LaCrosse

  • "You encouraged me to pursue my own healing"

    I’ve been thinking about the witness on your family you shared at the Discipleship Formation Seminar I and I am so thankful that you did. It struck me so profoundly and beautifully, that I am still thinking about it. Your courage and the way you were able to simply be honest really resonated with me and my own family, so thank you. Thank you for being willing to share it because it encouraged me to pursue my own healing. It still has a long way to go, but it’s on its way.

    Diocesan Director

    Contact us today to book a Theology of the Body series for your middle and/or high school students.

    Our Accompaniment Formation events focus on assisting you in providing encouragement and accountability, finding resources, and facilitating discussions that help others grow in relationship with Christ and His Church.   These events are most fruitful in the context of a full discipleship roadmap plan.  

    Let Burning Hearts Disciples equip, train, and support your call to live out the New Evangelization through the art of accompaniment.    pdf Download the Flyer (46 KB)

    Practical Application

    Our events move beyond theory and concepts.  We focus on practical tools and discussions that help participants put the principles of accompaniment into ACTION.


    Fully Customizable 

    We don't just talk about accompaniment, we live it!  Every event we offer is customized and individualized to match the needs of your parish, diocese, school or organization.  

    The Art of Accompaniment: INTRO MODULES 

    These introductory modules build foundation upon which we help participants learn how to effectively walk with others on their journey of faith and invite others to conversion and into relationship with Jesus and His Church.  

    Breaking the Silence

    This session offers participants an opportunity to encounter the kerygma - the essential proclamation of the Gospel - for themselves and equips them to share both their own personal faith stories and the fundamental Story of our faith more effectively.

    Your Faith Story

    The most valuable way to share our faith is by telling our own story, our testimony of the difference Jesus Christ has made in our lives, in a firsthand account.  This session helps participants identify the key elements of their personal journeys to discipleship.

    The "Art of Accompaniment"

    This session focuses on understanding “art of accompaniment” as it relates to the New Evangelization.  We will cover what accompaniment is, why it is an essential component of any outreach we do, and how Jesus was the model for its practice.

    Accompaniment Listening

    This session expands on the role of listening and provides additional reflections, practical tips, and suggestions on how to begin listening with the"openness of heart which makes true conversion possible."

    The Art of Accompaniment: BUILDING MODULES

    These additional modules focus on applying the general concepts of the “Art of Accompaniment” to a variety of settings.  Participants learn how to implement accompaniment strategies in their specific evangelization situations.   

    The Thresholds of Conversion

    This session helps participants discern where someone is on the faith journey and provides next step suggestions for people at various stages of faith (see also: Thresholds of Conversion found in both Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell) 

    Discipleship Mentoring

    This session teaches participants how to set up a Discipleship relationship based on the principal of accompaniment.  We cover how to know you’re ready to be a mentor, the roles and responsibilities of a mentor disciple, and how to avoid potential pitfalls.

    Accompaniment Methods

    These sessions use practical discussions and hands-on experiences to teach participants how to apply accompaniment strategies in the environments you choose to meet your unique needs:

    • Developing 1 to 1 Faith Growth Plans,
    • Leading Small Groups,
    • Parish/School Big Picture Planning,
    • In the Classroom (Teachers/Catechists) 
    • At Home (Parents/Grandparents).


    BH events icon white

    Fits Your Schedule & Pace

    Day Long Retreat Option

    Weekend Workshop Option

    Weekly or Monthly Gatherings
    with practicum "homework"


    dollar red

    Contact us to discuss your particular needs or to schedule an event today!

    Contact Us

    Our team of speakers will come to your parish, school, or organization.  Our speakers are passionate about sharing the joy of learning our faith and applying it to the daily lives of average Catholics.  We offer short talks, formation events, parish missions, and full day retreats on a variety of faith topics.

    Let us come and help your group discover a faith that is a relationship with Jesus Christ - who they can come to know intimately and personally. Let us come and help your group discover a faith that can apply to their lives at home, at work, at play.

    Short Talks 

    Growing Disciples

    Full Day Retreats & Parish Missions 

    Discover more options for how we can help with equipping leaders for mission.

    We don't do 'canned' missions, presentations, or retreats!   Each one is tweaked, adjusted, and personalized to fit the needs and themes of your parish community.  No two events are ever the same.

    What Others Are Saying...

    • Shared experiences are so powerful.

      Father, the staff, and I have been recounting all the blessings from the AWESOME evening you spent with us! Thank you for being a huge part of this evening, for sharing your gifts of teaching and storytelling, for giving us a reason to laugh and cry with you, and for connecting us to Jesus in the Eucharist. Words can’t express how grateful we are to you! Personally, I had on my director hat, but I was knocked over with the prayer you lead. 

      The parents who attended were able to connect with your stories and I could hear them giggling. Shared experiences are so powerful. Thank you for sharing of yourself and our Catholic faith!  The Holy Spirit is swirling around us.

      Parish Faith Formation Director
      Archdiocese of Milwaukee

    • I'm feeling a peace and hope I wasn't even aware I lacked.

      It was a wonderful Parish Mission. Even more than I was expecting. I have heard wonderful feedback. I felt the Holy Spirit at work in my heart each night and I'm feeling a peace and hope that I wasn't even aware I lacked. Thank you! I will pass along the resources.

      Parish Leader, Sacred Heart, Manawa 

    • One of the two or three highest ratings for a speaker I can remember

      Thank you so much for your awesome service to our diocese as a keynote presenter for our Ministry Days last week! What a blessing it was to have you in the diocese for our gathering – we are truly grateful!  I have been the lead staff person for Ministry Days for many years, and we have consistently used a five-point scale for assessing our speakers, facilities, organization/hospitality, etc. Your mark of “4.80” is truly one of the two or three highest for a speaker that I can remember over these past 20+ years. So, again, thanks for your great witness and work during our days!

      Todd Graff, Director of Lay Formation, Diocese of Winona Rochester

    • There have been tangible fruits in our parish.

      Not only have I heard from almost everyone who was there how good it was and how they thought it was the best retreat yet, there have been tangible fruits in our parish because of this mission. On the final night of the Mission/Retreat, those present had an opportunity to be prayed with. Everyone I spoke with who was there expressed that they truly felt the presence of the Holy Spirit.

      Since that powerful night, I personally have heard of two people who were physically healed that night—or at least symptoms they experienced daily have suddenly disappeared since that encounter of our Lord. I firmly believe though that everyone who was there was healed in some way- particularly spiritually- the most important healing.

      Evangelization Director • Lake Zurich, IL

    • One of the BEST...

      One of the BEST programs I have ever taken part in!!!! Can't wait until the next session!  I left with a new way of looking at Church.  If you ever have the opportunity to go - do it!!

      Diocese of Kalamazoo, MI



      Book Today!

      We have a number of speakers available for parish missions, formation events, retreats and other faith growth opportunities. Each event is tweaked, adjusted, and personalized to fit the needs and themes of your community. No two are ever exactly the same!

      Book A Speaker

      In Your Parish, Diocese, and School

      "The parish in and through all of its activities, should animate its members to become agents of the New Evangelization, witnessing through both their words and their lives" (XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops)

      Parishes, dioceses and Catholic schools across the United States are seeking to understand and implement the call to New Evangelization - to re-propose the person of Christ to their people.

      We build relationships with parishes, dioceses, and schools who are ready to take the next step toward creating a culture of intentional discipleship. By accompanying your group, we provide encouragement and accountability, help uncover resources, and facilitate discussions that foster a culture of discipleship at your parish.  

      • discipleship compass circle
      • Strategic Planning for Evangelization
      • book a speaker circle
      • Equip Staff, Councils & Leaders for Mission 
      • accompaniment training circle
      • Unpack the Art of Accompaniment
      • book a speaker circle
      • Create a Culture of Intentional Disicpleship

      We are committed to walking with you, your staff, your leaders, and your entire community as we seek to know Jesus and His Church together.  The work of evangelization is, above all, relational.  To walk with you on your communitiy's journey of discipleship, whether for a single retreat or event or for long term strategic planning, is the heart of our mission.  

      One Size Does NOT Fit Allsquare peg round hole

      There are hundreds of programs and ministries today that claim to be ‘the way’ to live the Church’s call to New Evangelization. In reality, there is no single program, book, DVD series, or process that will fit your community’s specific charisms and culture.

      It is through the art of accompaniment - walking with people, meeting them where they are at and sharing in their joys and sorrows and steadily witnessing to the power of Jesus Christ in our own lives - that we can work together to not only make disciples of Jesus, but also become more fully His disciples ourselves.

      You don't have to do it alone!

      Whether you're ready to book a speaker, want to start planning for discipelship, or are just looking for someone to help you brainstorm, we'd love to hear from you!

      Contact Us Today!

      Check out these success stories...

      • God used you to touch the hearts of many priests
      • Walked along side our team developing a process to move from maintenance to mission
      • A huge part of culture change in our Diocese
      • Hit it out of the park!
      • Your accompaniment has been invaluable to us!
      • God used you to touch the hearts of many priests

        "Thank you for your outstanding presentations.  The evalulations from our convocation were very positive, and I continue to hear many comments from the preists that your presentations were refreshing, meaningful, and energized them regarding evnagelization...God used you to touch the hearts of many priests, and I am very grateful to you."

        Bishop Gregory Aymond, Archdiocese of New Orleans
      • Walked along side our team developing a process to move from maintenance to mission

        "Burning Hearts Disciples has helped me and my leadership team develop and communicate our vision of discipleship in the Diocese of Biloxi. They met us where we were and walked alongside our team developing a process to move from maintenance to a purpose of mission. They continue to walk with us as we work to move our clergy, Religious, parishioners, students, families, and staff to be disciples and form missionary disciples of Christ. "

        Bishop Louis Kihneman, III, Diocese of Biloxi
      • A huge part of culture change in our Diocese

        "Thank you for your leadership throughout the Diocese of Green Bay.  I continue to hear very positive feedback about your presentations and teaching througout the diocese. You have been such a huge part of cultural change at the Diocese and a great formator of our parish leaders with the Discipleship Seminars. For you I am very grateful."

        Bishop David Ricken, Diocese of Green Bay
      • Hit it out of the park!

        "Burning Hearts Disciples has been able to meet every goal for our diaconate formation retreats.  You challenge our deacon candidates and wives to break out of their comfort zones and assist them to be able to lead when they become deacons in their own parishes."

        Deacon Jim Kincel, Diaconate Formation, Diocese of Lafayette
      • Your accompaniment has been invaluable to us!

        We were blessed to have Burning Hearts Disciples walk with us as we have journeyed towards intentional discipleship on a personal & parish level for two years. Your accompaniment has been invaluable to us as we journey towards intentional discipleship.  Thank you for your inspired support and spirit-filled accompaniment.

        Parish Discipleship Task Force • Oviedo, FL